All of the cells in the human body are bathed in a nutrient- filled fluid matrix called the Biological Terrain. Other names for this fluid include the interstitial matrix, internal milieu, ground matrix, the garden, etc. This environment, like the soil, feeds and nourishes all of the cells. The outermost wall of every cell is called the cell membrane. This membrane is permeable, which means that certain elements can flow in and out of this membrane. These cells absorb electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fluid in very specific amounts. The cell, to maintain cellular health, creates substances called energy-rich intermediates and then utilizes these nutrients.
ATP is the energy that fuels many critical actions and reactions in the human body. Waste products from these cellular reactions within the cells are then released back into the Biological Terrain for proper filtering and disposal by the body. The integrity of the cell, its cell membrane and the vitality of the Biological Terrain ensures that the cell will grow and thrive and in this healthy biological terrain with balanced pH, nutrient and hydration levels, they will thrive. They may also be better equipped to resist the effects of damaging organisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungi. As the Biological Terrain is the interstitial fluid that bathes and nourishes every cell in the human body, it is well understood that disturbances or imbalances in this cellular environment affect the entire body, including the immune system. Over time, a compromised immune system has difficulty fighting disease and maintaining health. This theory later developed into the science known as Biological Terrain.